
Fictive Web is now Bootpack Digital. I rebranded to fit more of what I was trying to do. Come visit the new site:
Hello, my name is Michael Bonner. I am the owner and main developer at Fictive Web. I am a web developer based in Salt Lake, Utah. I love to ski and mountain bike.
I love what I do, and I am continually learning and perfecting my trade. I have 15 years of experience developing websites large and small. I am honest and fair with my clients. I give you the same respect that I expect from you.
I can’t wait to work with you. Drop me a line and we’ll get together ASAP to get started
Websites are more than they used to be. Websites now are immersive and functional. We make websites that are well designed and eye catching, but we don’t sacrifice functionality over design. We try to find a middle ground where functionality and design strengthen each other.
Companies can run their entire business online utilizing tools such as Content Management Systems (CMS), Client Relationship Managers (CRM), Bookkeeping, and E-commerce. We make deep, functional applications to do just about anything. Ask us and we’ll give you a demo.
Mobile applications have taken the world by storm. They are a great way to stay in contact with your potential customer. The ubiquity of smart phones and ability to give a custom touch-friendly interface makes mobile apps a powerful tool for your business.
Fictive Web makes fully custom applications for both iOS and Android. These platforms covered 96.3% of all smartphones in Q1 2014 (source). Drop us a line and we’ll figure out an awesome idea for an app that will boost your business.
Know Your Force (KYF) helps police forces understand their community by gathering feedback at the time of the interaction.
Serverless, NextJS, NoSQL, React
Fully custom web application to manage all of NEF’s programs
React, Next.js, Laravel
Our new site! We’ve rebranded to Bootpack Digital; go check it out. We build websites, mobile applications, and web software.
Svelte, serverless
Denver Window Well Covers offers a quality product at the lowest prices on window well covers in Colorado and Denver areas.
React, Gatsby, e-commerce
THE MISSION of J.E. Cosgriff Memorial Catholic School is to guide our students to become respectful, responsible, and productive citizens through quality academic instruction that is grounded in Catholic teachings and tradition.
My old friend Jeff Moore built some awesome software to help businesses address their GRC needs
React, GatsbyJS, Netlify CMS
Wasatch Covers makes custom window well covers for Utah houses.
React, GatsbyJS, WordPress, eCommerce
The Muve Group is an industry leading real estate investment company offering both traditional and investment real estate services with the highest quality of service and experience.
WordPress, Parallax, CRM integration, AJAX
NEF is dedicated to the development, dissemination, and implementation of supplementary educational materials, programs, products and services.
WordPress, Single page
Get fast motion sickness relief with all natural Motioneaze, whether you are traveling on a boat, car, plane, train, bus or visiting an amusement park.
WordPress, WooCommerce
For over 10 years, the Challenge has encouraged K-12 students to share their ideas and actions about energy and the environment.
The district has over 6000 students in grades K–12, enrolled in seven elementary schools, two junior highs, and one high school.
Zucca Trattoria offers a polished casual dining experience, featuring authentic Italian Regional Cuisine with a modern approach, based on the worldwide training of Chef Geraldine Sepulveda.
Bad Ass Outdoor Gear sells the most reliable & trustworthy Hunting & Outdoor Gear for men, women & kids. If we won’t use it, we don’t sell it. New products added weekly.
WordPress, WooCommerce
Boaters Outlet has thousands of boating products all available online.
NetworkSolutions cart
THINK! ENERGY is an initiative from National Energy Foundation that invites all people to practice three main principles: Think! Talk! and Take Action!
Culp Construction Company offers its clients a full range of services from preconstruction activity through the actual construction process.
The Jung Platform is an educational institute that offers programs on Jungian Psychology and other depth-psychological perspectives.
I use mature web technologies to provide end-users with an optimized experience for them.
HTML • CSS • JavaScript • React • Gatsby • Angular • VueJS • jQuery • PHP • MySQL • MongoDB • WordPress • Laravel • CodeIgniter • React Native • Cordova • PhoneGap • Apache • NGINX • Linux • Mobile App Development • Custom Web Applications • REST • GraphQL
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